Frequently Asked

For Managing Agents

Sectional Title insurance, in terms of the Sectional Title Schemes Management Act (STSMA), is a legal requirement. A building must be comprehensively insured, ensuring all insured perils are covered. In the event that an insured event, such as fire or storm damage, may cause serious structural damage, the insurance cover will come into effect. Covering the cost of the damage to the residential and common property of the building. Insurance cover will also protect the building in the event of a burst geyser or pipe, torrential storms, fire, earthquakes, and flooding.

According to the Sectional Title Schemes Management Act, a body corporate is required to conduct a replacement valuation every 3 years. A replacement valuation ensures that a building is adequately insured. 
In the event that the building needs to be reconstructed due to a total loss or damage, the valuation would have taken into account costs for demolition, rubble removal, building costs, professional services, and inflation costs.

Comprehensive insurance cover offers the following:

  • Geyser repairs or replacement
  • Fidelity and/or liability cover

The insured events, depending on which insurance company you are with, will detail what is covered in their policy wording and breakdown the cover in the policy schedule.
Depending on the insurance provider you have, the insurance policy schedule will clearly outline which events can be covered. 

Fidelity insurance covers the risk of funds belonging to the Body Corporate sustained as a result of any act of fraud or dishonesty committed by a trustee, managing agent, employee or other agent of the Body Corporate. 
Body Corporates require fidelity insurance as it manages large funds designated to funds.

For Existing Clients

Fixtures and fittings of the unit. This includes damage to geysers, walls, flooring, ceilings, fitted carpets, and built-in cupboards and other non-removable items.

There are 2 different types of Claims Procedures:
  1. Aligned Broker Insurance Claims: Submitting insurance claims through CFS to your aligned broker
  2. Non-aligned Broker Insurance Claims: Submitting insurance claims directly to your non-aligned broker
How To Access Your Insurance Claims Procedure? You can access insurance claims procedures via WeconnectU. These comprehensive procedures will walk you through the entire process of submitting a claim through CFS, ensuring you have all the necessary guidance at your fingertips.
  1. Log in to WeconnectU using your credentials
  2. After logging in, search for the profile you want to work on then select from the drop down provided.
  3. Click on the “General Documents” option. This can be found on the menu option on the left hand side of your screen. Once selected, proceed to the PDFs section and look for the file titled, “Insurance Claims Procedures”. Click this file to download the PDF.
How To Submit a Claim? To submit a claim, please follow the claims procedure downloaded via WeconnectU. Please note that procedures may vary depending on whether your claim is through one of our aligned brokers or a non-aligned broker.
Most insurance companies have a geyser limit in place. The plumber’s cost will depend on the insurance coverage taken.

The excess on each policy is different. The policy schedule will provide clarity on excess. CFS writes a specialised claims procedure which provides guidance on excess.

No, you do not need to wait for insurance approval. A burst geyser needs to be attended to immediately. Replacing the geyser will guarantee no further damage to the property. A burst geyser is tended to and replaced immediately.